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Fall/WINTER 2015 Newsletter

Message from Tumani Fund President, Rick Swope:


Bwana Asifiwe! (Swahili for “Praise the Lord”)


It is just amazing for me to think that our efforts continue to help those in desperate need. Just this

past August, I am more than pleased to announce the Tanzanian government has recognized the

Tumaini Fund with a prestigious award and honor. The Uhuru Torch Ceremony, which is a national

symbol of Tanzania meaning Freedom Torch, took place at Tumaini Fund’s Masasi irrigation

project, which is funded by AI and Julie Renken. This is a huge honor from the local government

signifying how important the irrigation project is to the citizens of Tanzania. The people in Kagera

have been sending us nothing but love and appreciation for the life changing donations and we

have no plans to stop now. By providing education and the necessities of life, drilling wells for

clean water, bicycles for transportation, school supplies, mosquito nets, etc., the generous people

of Tumaini Fund USA have heeded the lesson in the Bible to ‘help the least of thy brethren’. With

your prayers and generosity, the many orphans helped by Tumaini are learning that both hope and

opportunity are possible.


I am also pleased to announce that we will be continuing the Colors of Hope event next year and

will begin to push more to get our name and message across the internet in the social media

world. We invite you to please “Save the Date” for Saturday, March 19 for the 2016 Colors of Hope Fundraiser at the Naples Sailing & Yacht Club, a great location provided by the support of Vice President Mike Moore.


Traveling to Kagera was one of the most wonderful and meaningful experiences of my lifetime. Helping the orphans has changed my life and I hope, God willing, that I will be able to make the trip again. For all of you that have given generously to the least fortunate people in the world, I pray that Jesus has a special reward for you that is out of this world.




Richard Swope | President

Tumaini Fund USA

Click to Read Full Newsletter

"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. "


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