Fall/WINTER 2016 Newsletter
Message from Tumaini Fund President Michael Moore:
There are so many worthy causes espoused by non-profit organizations that work to raise funds
as well as enlist volunteers to donate their time and talents to help the less fortunate all over the
world. We are very thankful that out of all these organizations many have chosen to support
Tumaini. For more than fifteen years, Tumaini Fund, founded by Dr. Susan Wilson, has been
working in one of the poorest regions of Tanzania bringing hope to tens of thousands of orphans.
Lacking so many of the basic services we take for granted, such as easy access to clean water,
toilets, decent clothing and education, the people of Kagera yet remain strong in their faith in God
that better times will come. Tumaini is helping to make that happen.
After the September 10th earthquake brought new hardship to the people of Kagera, it was the
Tumaini parish workers that were able to respond first to the devastation. Many homes were so
badly damaged that villagers were forced to live in the open which made them more susceptible
to mosquito bites and malaria. Through Tumaini, appeals were made for money to buy mosquito
nets and help fund the cost of rebuilding the damaged homes. The response to the appeal was
heartwarming; thanks to so many, more than $18,000 was raised, $6,000 of which was from Trinity
by The Cove parishioners. Soon after the earthquake, in October, Karagwe and Kierwa in the Kagera region suffered a rain shortage and once again Tumaini pastors and parish workers were there to help alleviate the suffering of so many families due to a food shortage. Tumaini supporters contributed money to buy grain and other food supplies so desperately needed.
Whether it’s the Sewing for Hope effort making dresses for the orphans of Kagera so they can attend church, water projects to drill wells for providing and distributing clean water, money for secondary school fees or orphan’s tuition for technical college, funding for subsistence farming, job training for a vocation or response to a natural disaster, Tumaini, thanks to its many supporters, is making a difference in the everyday lives of the people of Northwest Tanzania. God Bless all of you for your continued faith in and support of Tumaini.
Michael Moore, President Tumaini Fund USA
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