A Message from Tumaini Fund USA President

Fall 2017
Message from Tumaini Fund USA President Michael Moore:
Our annual Tumaini “Colors of Hope” fund raising event, held at the Naples Sailing and Yacht Club on March 18, 2017, was very successful raising more than $146,000 that night. Other donations for the week of Dr. Susan Wilson’s visit to Southwest Florida brought the total to more than $200,000. That money has already allowed 13 new shallow wells to be built this summer in many villages throughout the Kagera region. Sarah-Jane Allen’s recent visit to Kagera told of heartwarming stories of the tremendous impact these new clean water sources are having on the lives of those villagers. In her words, “The work in Kagera is inspirational and extremely encouraging”. With drier weather approaching, plans are in place to start building more than 30 houses in early December, which also were funded from the “Colors of Hope” event.
In January, several Tumaini Fund USA board members - myself, Mick Moore and Dr. Lou Foley - will travel to Kagera to meet with Dr. Wilson and Sarah-Jane, visit the Tumaini villages, and see firsthand all the Tumaini projects. We also will visit and celebrate the recent completion of a Rotary water distribution global grant project in Karagwe. This system is now providing treated water to 6 villages, 3 schools and 2 churches - more than 5,000 people! It eliminates the need to walk the 5 miles to collect water at the Kashasha spring source.
There is much good news to celebrate! Thanks to our many volunteers and contributors, Tumaini is making a difference in the lives of so many in Kagera. God Bless all of you for making this happen.

Michael Moore, President Tumaini Fund USA