A Message from Tumaini Fund USA President
Winter 2018
Message from Tumaini Fund USA President Dr. Louis F. Foley:
It seems that the farther along I get in life, the faster time goes... I was in Tanzania "yesterday," and as Fall ends, with Winter fast approaching, I realize that was ten months ago! For those of you who are into numbers that time represents approximately 1% of my life (based on the assumption of average life expectancy) which has passed by since I returned to the US. The conditions in Tanzania were heartbreaking and inspiring. I was struck by the fact that Tumaini Fund USA is not giving handouts in Tanzania. We are giving a helping hand to people immersed in a culture of hard work, graciousness, gratefulness, and faith. We visited so many Tumaini projects, past and present. Every place we went we found people looking after our investments (in their projects) and leveraging them to do even more for their communities. I was utterly impressed with the good stewardship and generosity in a place with so much need. Looking back over the last ten months, I can't help but ask the following questions: (1) "What impact have I had since my return?" (2) "Has my personal legacy and our organizational legacy been furthered?" and (3) "What is the BEST way for me to do more?" I see the answers that come to my mind as direct challenges from God. Do more, do it now, let me lead you...
We face uncertainty here in the US over political, social, and financial agendas that bombard us constantly in the internet age. Uncertainty is not new. It breeds anxiety, and it often holds us back from our best efforts. As we enter the holiday season, I wish for you and those you care about to experience and appreciate God's blessings and everlasting love. I will be reminded this holiday season of some uncomfortable certainties, mainly that our friends in Tanzania will continue to combat hunger, thirst, and desperation with everything they have and everything we can provide. Please join me in responding to God's challenges. Please help me continue to support the effective, practical, and sustaining initiatives led by Dr. Susan Wilson which Tumaini Fund USA supports everyday.
Louis F. Foley, M.D.
President, Tumaini Fund USA